Should I Aerate My Lawn Before Seeding

If you’re like most homeowners, you’re probably looking forward to the spring and summer months when your lawn is in its peak condition. 

To make sure your lawn looks great all season long, you may be wondering if you should aerate it before seeding. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of aerating your lawn before seeding and whether or not it’s right for your yard.

Aeration and Seeding | An Overview

Aerating your lawn may seem like a lot of work, but it’s actually a very important part of keeping your lawn healthy and green. Aeration holes punch the soil to allow for better airflow, drainage, and nutrient absorption. It also helps to reduce compaction, which can be caused by things like heavy foot traffic or even just the weight of your lawn mower. 

Seeding your lawn is also important in order to have a healthy, green lawn. Seeding allows you to add new grass to areas where the grass has died, or it can be used to fill in any bald spots. Seeding is best done in the fall because that’s when the grass seed germination rates are highest. 

Why Should I Aerate My Lawn Before Seeding? 

There are many reasons that proves aerating your lawn before seeding is beneficial. Here are just a few of them to help you understand:

Helps with Drainage

The first reason is that it helps with drainage. When you have compacted soil, water has a harder time moving through it and this can lead to puddles on your lawn or waterlogged areas, which can negatively impact the process of seeding. Aerating your soil will help to improve drainage and prevent flooding. 

Improves the Quality of Soil

The second reason to aerate your lawn is that it can help improve the quality of your soil, which in turn enhances the results of seeding. When you aerate your soil, you’re essentially creating tiny holes that allow air and water to reach the roots of your grass. This will help the roots to grow deeper and stronger, which will in turn make for a healthier lawn. 

Reduce Compaction

The third reason to aerate your lawn is that it can help reduce compaction. Compacted soil is often caused by things like heavy foot traffic or even just the weight of your lawn mower. When you compact the soil, it becomes dense and hard, which makes it difficult for grass roots to penetrate. By aerating your soil, you’re loosening it up and making it easier for roots to grow. 

Improves Germination Rate

Finally, aerating your lawn before seeding can actually help improve seed germination rates. This is because when you create those little holes in the ground with an aerator, you’re also creating ideal conditions for seed germination. 

The holes allow air and water to reach the seeds more easily, which helps them to germinate faster and grow into healthy plants more quickly. 

When Should I Seed My Lawn? 

The best time to seed your lawn is actually in the fall rather than the springtime like most people think. This is because the temperatures are cooler in the fall and there’s typically more moisture in the air, which helps promote seed germination. 

The days are also shorter in the fall, which means that there’s less sunlight for evaporation purposes. All of these factors combined make for ideal conditions for seeding your lawn in the fall rather than springtime. 


Aerating and seeding your lawn may seem like two tedious tasks, but they’re actually quite important if you want to maintain a healthy lawn all year long. Aeration helps with drainage and prevents flooding, while seeding can help fill in any bald spots or dead areas of grass. 

Both tasks are best done in the fall when temperatures are cooler and seed germination rates are higher. So next time you’re wondering whether or not you should take the time to aerate your lawn before seeding, remember that it’s actually a wise investment of both time and money! 

We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of aerating and seeding your lawn. Now go out there and give your lawn some much-needed love! Happy Lawn Care!