How to Clean Hedge Shears

 When it comes to trimming your hedges or shrubs, hedge shears are essential tools. Hedge shears are invaluable tools for gardeners, landscapers, and homeowners alike. These tools are used to maintain hedges of all shapes and sizes. 

As with any tool, it is important to maintain hedge shears properly in order to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Keeping your shears in good condition is a must if you want them to last, and that means regular cleaning and sharpening. 

In this blog post, we will discuss why it is important to clean your hedge shears on a regular basis and provide helpful tips for doing so. So, If you’re ready to keep your hedge shears in top condition, keep reading for our guide on how to clean them.

Why Clean Hedge Shears?

Cleaning hedge shears are an important part of maintaining and protecting them from wear and tear. Without regular cleaning, the blades can become dull, reducing their effectiveness as well as increasing the risks of injury when using them. 

Additionally, dirt and debris can accumulate between the blades, making them difficult to open and close. Moreover, if the blades are not properly cared for, they will be harder to use as they will require more force in order to make cuts. 

Ultimately, not cleaning your hedge shears can result in inefficient cutting performance that can be both time-consuming and costly in the long run.

Regular cleaning will help keep your hedge shears in top condition, ensuring they last longer and continue to be a useful tool year after year.

Cleaning Your Hedge Shears Regularly 

Cleaning your hedge shears regularly is an integral part of proper maintenance and care. Here are some tips for cleaning your hedge shears: 

1)      Start by removing any excess dirt or debris from the blades using either a soft brush or cloth. Be sure not to use anything too abrasive as this could scratch the blades’ surfaces.  

2)      Once you have removed any excess dirt or debris from the blades, use mild soap (such as dish soap) mixed with warm water to thoroughly clean them off. Gently scrub away any remaining dirt or debris before rinsing them off with clean water.  

3)      After rinsing off the soap, dry off the blades with a soft cloth or towel before applying a light oil such as WD-40 onto them using a lint-free cloth. This will help protect them against corrosion and rust while also helping them retain their edge longer than if they were left untreated after cleaning.  

4)      Finally, store your hedge shears in a cool dry place when not in use in order to prevent further damage due to moisture build-up or oxidation. If possible, avoid storing them outdoors where they may be exposed to harsh weather conditions such as rain or snow which could cause further damage down the line. 

Sharpening Your Hedge Shears 

No matter how well you care for your hedge shears, they will eventually need to be sharpened in order to maintain their precision-cutting capabilities. The best way to sharpen your hedge shears is by using a whetstone or similar sharpening stone. 

To do this, simply place the blade flat against the stone while slowly pushing it back and forth in one direction until it forms an even edge along its length. This process should be repeated several times until both sides of the blade have been sharpened evenly.

It’s important not to push too hard during this process as it can damage the blades over time if done improperly. Additionally, make sure that you’re wearing protective gloves when handling the sharpening stone in order to avoid any potential injuries from occurring during use. 

Oiling Your Hedge Shears 

Oiling your hedge shears will help keep them in top condition by preventing corrosion of the metal parts. Before oiling, give your shears a thorough cleaning as described above then wipe off any excess moisture with a dry cloth. 

Choose an oil specifically designed for garden tools – mineral oil can work too – and apply a few drops onto each blade while avoiding contact with plastic parts which could become slippery when wet. 

Use a clean cloth to spread the oil evenly over both sides of each blade and rub it into any exposed metal areas until it no longer appears shiny. Once finished, wipe away any excess oil before storing away your shears in a cool dry place until next time! 

Preventative Care Tips 

In addition to regular cleaning and sharpening, there are certain preventative care measures you can take in order to ensure that your hedge shears remain in optimal condition for longer periods of time: 

  • After every use, make sure that you remove any dirt or debris from the blades using a damp cloth or sponge before storing them away safely; 
  • Be sure not to leave your hedge shears outside in wet conditions as this can cause them to rust quickly;  
  • Whenever possible, store them away somewhere cool and dry;  
  • Do not leave them exposed to direct sunlight as this could cause discoloration over time;  
  • Make sure that they are stored separately from other tools such as lawnmowers or weed eaters so that they don’t become scratched or damaged during storage;  
  • Be sure not to press too hard while cutting through thicker branches as this could cause damage over time;  
  • If needed, lubricate the pivot points regularly with oil so that they don’t become stuck due to lack of movement.


Proper cleaning and maintenance of your hedge shears are essential if you want them to stay in good working condition throughout their lifetime. With regular cleaning and sharpening sessions along with proper storage practices, your hedge shears will serve you well for years on end!

Regular cleaning paired up with occasional sharpening & oiling will help ensure maximum performance & life expectancy out of these vital garden tools so make sure not to forget about this routine maintenance step next time around. 

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that your outdoor space remains to look neat and tidy all year round!