How to Fix Your Hedge Shears

Hedge shears are an essential tool for anyone who needs to trim shrubs and bushes. They make the job much easier than using traditional shears, but they also require regular maintenance and repairs. 

When properly cared for, hedge shears can last many years, saving you money in the long run. However, if you don’t properly maintain your hedge shears, they can become dull and ineffective quickly. Knowing how to fix your hedge shears is just as important as maintaining them regularly. 

If your hedge shears aren’t working as well as they should be, you might need to do some basic repairs. Hedge shears are a great tool for trimming and maintaining your garden or hedges. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about fixing, maintaining, and repairing your hedge shears. 

Sharpening Your Hedge Shears 

The most important part of properly maintaining your hedge shears is sharpening them regularly. Dull blades will make cutting anything a tedious task, so it’s important that you keep them sharpened at all times. 

You can use either a file or a sharpening stone to sharpen the blades of the shear but whichever method you choose, always make sure to work in one direction only—never back and forth. Start by filing or sharpening one side of the blade before moving on to the other side. 

Make sure to sharpen both sides evenly until they’re both equally sharpened and symmetrical with each other. If you don’t have access to a file or sharpening stone, there are several electric grinders available that will do the job just as well—just be sure not to overdo it when using an electric grinder; too much grinding can damage your blades permanently. 

Cleaning Your Hedge Shears 

After every use, it’s important that you clean off your hedge shear blades with some warm soapy water and a soft cloth or brush before storing them away again. This will help prevent rusting and ensure that they stay in good condition for longer periods of time. 

It’s also a good idea to lubricate any moving parts with oil after cleaning; this will help keep everything running smoothly and reduce wear and tear on the metal parts over time. You should also inspect your blades regularly for signs of wear and tear such as chips or cracks in the metal; if these are present then it may be time for a replacement pair of hedge shears instead of trying to repair them yourself. 

Proper Storage 

Proper storage is also essential for keeping your hedge shears in top shape for many years down the line. Keep them stored away from direct sunlight and moisture as these things can cause rusting over time which will damage the metal parts of your scissors beyond repair eventually. 

It’s also important to keep them out of reach from children as there is always a risk of injury when handling tools like these; store them somewhere high up where kids cannot get their hands on them easily but still within easy reach whenever you need them next!  

Repairing Your Hedge Shears 

If your hedge shear isn’t working properly there could be several reasons why; it may just require a basic repair job or it may need replacing altogether: 

  • If the blades are loose or wobbly, check that all of the nuts and bolts are secure (as mentioned above). If they appear loose, tighten them using an appropriate size spanner or wrench until they are snug but not overly tight – over-tightening can cause more problems than it solves!  
  • Check that there is no dirt build-up on any of the moving parts; if there is, remove it carefully using a soft cloth and some warm soapy water (or WD40). Be careful not to get any water inside of any of the parts as this could cause rusting over time.  
  • If one of the handles appears damaged, such as cracked or broken plastic/wooden parts, then you may need to replace it completely – if possible try sourcing a matching replacement handle rather than buying an entirely new pair of hedge sheers as this will likely save you money in both time and money!  
  • If neither of these solutions works then you may need a professional repair job – depending on what type of hedge sheers you have there may be spare parts available that can be fitted by an experienced technician who specializes in hedge trimmer repairs (or alternatively buy an entirely new pair). 

Additional Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your hedge shears is important for their longevity and performance. Here are some basic tips for keeping them in good condition: 

  • Regularly clean the blades with warm soapy water, then dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth before applying a light oil coating. This will help keep the blades from rusting or becoming dull over time. 
  • Store the shear away from moisture when not in use. Moisture can cause rust or damage to the blades if left unchecked. 
  • Sharpen the blades regularly to keep them sharp and efficient. You can use an angle grinder or file to sharpen the blades, but take care not to damage them with too much force. A few passes of light pressure should be enough to sharpen them up again without causing any damage. 
  • Check that all the nuts and bolts are tight before each use; looseness can cause strain on the handles during use which could lead to them breaking prematurely. 


Keeping your hedge shear blades sharpened, cleaned, lubricated, and stored away properly is key if you want them working efficiently for many years down the line without needing replacements anytime soon! 

Take some time every now and then to inspect their condition before putting them away again; this way you can spot any signs of damage before they become too severe, allowing you plenty of time to repair or replace whatever needs attention right away! 

Following these simple steps will go along way in helping provide proper care for your garden tools so they continue working at peak efficiency year after year!