How Often Should You Aerate Your Lawn | Let’s Find Out

Have you ever looked at your lawn and noticed that the grass isn’t as lush and healthy as it used to be? If so, then you may benefit from aerating your lawn. Aeration is a process that involves using special tools to punch small holes into the ground in order to create space for air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil. 

By doing this, you can give your lawn the nourishment it needs to become healthier and more vibrant. Read on to learn more about how often you should aerate your lawn and why it’s important. 

What Are the Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn? 

Aerating your lawn comes with several benefits. 

  • First, it helps improve the drainage of water in your soil by creating more pathways for water to flow through. This can help prevent standing water which can cause flooding or pooling, both of which can damage grass and other plants in your yard. 
  • Additionally, aeration allows air, nutrients, and fertilizers to reach deeper layers of soil where they are needed most. This will help promote root growth without having to rely heavily on fertilizer which could damage plants if overused. 
  • Lastly, aerating helps loosen compacted soil which can suffocate roots with too much pressure or deprive them of necessary oxygen and nutrients. 

How Often Should You Aerate Your Lawn? 

The frequency of aeration depends on several factors such as the type of grass in your yard, climate conditions in your area, amount of foot traffic on the grass, etc. 

Generally speaking though, most yards need aeration once a year or every two years depending on how heavily trafficked they are and/or how severe weather conditions are in the area during any given season. 

However, if you notice that there is a substantial amount of standing water after heavy rainfalls or that there are large amounts of moss growing in certain areas then it might be wise to consider aerating more often than recommended above since these could be signs that compaction has occurred below surface level due to various environmental factors (e.g., heavy foot traffic). 

Another way to tell if your yard is due for an aeration session is by looking at its color; if the turf starts turning yellow or brown despite regular watering then this could be a sign that compaction has occurred underneath because proper nutrient intake has been hindered by soil layers being too tightly packed together thus preventing oxygen from reaching deeper levels where roots require them most in order for photosynthesis processes occur properly thus providing sustenance for healthy grass growth cycles (i..e., green blades). 

Aerating Your Lawn | The Right Way to Do It

What Tools Do You Need? 

The type of tool or machine you use will depend on the size of your yard and what type of terrain you have (e.g., flat or hilly). 

For small areas with few hills, manual tools such as hand rakes or spikes may be sufficient for achieving good results; however, for larger yards with rolling hills, machines such as gas-powered core aerators are often necessary for reaching all areas evenly. 

When choosing an aerator tool/machine, consider its capabilities (e.g., depth adjustment) as well as its weight—the heavier the tool/machine is, the more effort is required in pushing/pulling it around while using it!  

When using any aerator tool/machine, make sure that you overlap each pass by at least two inches so that no areas are missed out on being adequately aerated; this will ensure optimal results! 

How Deep Should You Aerate? 

This depends on the type of soil in your yard—it should always be deep enough that the cores created penetrate down into the root zone where moisture is needed most (typically six inches or less). 

However, if you have very hard clay-like soil then you may need to go deeper (up to eight inches) so that air pockets can form between particles—this allows for better drainage as well as improved nutrient absorption by roots! 

Also consider local weather conditions when determining how deep to set your blades/teeth; if there has been an extended period without rain then going deeper may be necessary in order for water to penetrate below ground level where grassroots need it most!

Step-by-Step Guide to Aerating Your Lawn

  1. Start by mowing your lawn as short as possible – this will make it easier for the aerator to penetrate the ground and help ensure that no areas are missed out on.
  2. Set the aerator blades/teeth to the desired depth.
  3. Begin aerating in parallel strips, overlapping each pass by at least two inches so that no areas are missed out on being adequately aerated.
  4. When you’re done, leave the soil cores on the lawn as this will help with water absorption and nutrient retention over time.
  5. Finally, water your lawn more frequently in order to help the soil settle and promote healthy root growth.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to aerate your lawn the right way and ensure that it stays healthy and lush throughout the year!


Aerating your lawn can be a beneficial way to improve its health and appearance. Regular aeration helps with drainage, nutrient absorption, and oxygen distribution; all of which are necessary for grass to thrive and stay green. 

The frequency with which you should aerate will depend on your individual circumstances, but most yards need it once a year or every two years at the least. No matter how often you aerate, always make sure to overlap each pass and go deep enough that the cores reach down into the root zone. 

Following these simple steps will ensure optimal results! We hope that this article has been helpful in teaching you about the importance of aeration and how to properly do it. Happy gardening!  Good luck!