Can You Use a Pole Saw as a Hedge Trimmer?

A pole saw is a versatile tool that can be used for trimming hedges, branches, and trees. It consists of a long pole with a saw blade at the end. Pole saws come in different sizes and designs, but they all serve the same purpose.

If you have a hedge that needs trimming, you may be wondering if you can use a pole saw as a hedge trimmer. The answer is yes, you can use a pole saw as a hedge trimmer. However, there are some things you need to know before you get started. 

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about using a pole saw as a hedge trimmer.

What is a Pole Saw?

A pole saw is a type of power tool that is used for trimming branches and cutting down small trees. It consists of two parts: the cutting head, which has a blade or chain, and the pole, which is usually made of aluminum or fiberglass. The cutting head is attached to the end of the pole and can be extended to reach high branches.

Pole saws are available in gas-powered, corded electric, and battery-powered models.

  • Gas-powered models are the most powerful but also the heaviest and most expensive.
  • Corded electric models are lighter and cheaper but require an extension cord and may not be as powerful as gas-powered models.
  • Battery-powered models are the lightest and most portable but may not have as much power as gas-powered or corded electric models.

What is a Hedge Trimmer?

A hedge trimmer is a type of power tool that is used for trimming hedges and shrubs. It consists of two parts: the cutting head, which has blades or rotary cutters, and the handle. The cutting head is attached to the end of the handle and can be rotated so that the blades face in different directions. Hedge trimmers are available in gas-powered, corded electric, and battery-powered models.

  • Gas-powered models are the most powerful but also the heaviest and most expensive.
  • Corded electric models are lighter and cheaper but require an extension cord and may not be as powerful as gas-powered models.
  • Battery-powered models are the lightest and most portable but may not have as much power as gas-powered or corded electric models. 

Can You Use a Pole Saw as a Hedge Trimmer?

The answer to this question is yes! You can use a pole saw as a hedge trimmer by attaching a hedge trimmer attachment to the end of the pole. This attachment will have blades or rotary cutters that can be used to trim hedges and shrubs. 

There are some things to keep in mind when using a pole saw as a hedge trimmer, however. 

  • First, make sure that your pole saw is compatible with the hedge trimmer attachment that you want to use. 
  • Second, because pole saws are designed for cutting branches, they may not be as effective at trimming hedges as dedicated hedge trimmers. 
  • Finally, keep in mind that using a pole saw as a hedge trimmer will increase the weight of the tool, so make sure that you can comfortably hold it for extended periods of time. 

Using Pole Saw as a Hedge Trimmer | How to Do It

Let us show you how to use a pole saw as a hedge trimmer so that you can get those pesky hedges under control in no time.

  1. First, extend the pole of the saw to its full length. 
  2. Next, locate the blade guard on the saw and remove it. Once the blade guard is removed, you should see the blade. Take a look at the blade to familiarize yourself with its sharpness and orientation. 
  3. The next step is to put on gloves and safety goggles for protection. Now you’re ready to start trimming! Position the saw so that the blade is perpendicular to the ground and start cutting through the thickest part of the hedge. 
  4. As you cut, be sure to move the saw back and forth slightly so that you don’t create any gouges in the wood. Once you’ve made your way through the thicker areas, you can start trimming along the sides of the hedge. 
  5. To do this, hold the saw at an angle so that only the very tip of the blade is touching the hedge. This will help prevent you from accidentally taking off too much material. Work your way around the entire perimeter of the hedge until you’re satisfied with its shape. 
  6. When you’re finished, turn off the saw and retract the pole. Clean off any debris from the blade and put everything away until next time. 

And there you have it—now you know how to use a pole saw as a hedge trimmer!

Some Safety Tips

Before you start using your pole saw as a hedge trimmer, it’s important to review some basic safety tips.

  • Always wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling the saw or any tools related to it.
  • Make sure the blade is sharp and properly aligned before beginning work.
  • And always keep an eye on the blade while trimming, even if you’re using a cordless model.
  • Finally, make sure to retract the pole when you are finished and store it in a safe location where children and pets cannot access it.

By following these simple tips, you should be able to safely use your pole saw as a hedge trimmer.


So there you have it! Everything you need to know about using a pole saw as a hedge trimmer. Pole saws are versatile tools that can be used for more than just cutting branches—they can also be used for trimming hedges! 

Just make sure that your pole saw is compatible with the hedge trimmer attachment that you want to use, and keep in mind that using a pole saw as a hedge trimmer may not be quite as effective as using a dedicated hedge trimmer tool. we hope that