When is a Good Time to Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn can be a great way to boost its health and make it look lush and vibrant. But when should you aerate your lawn? What’s the best time of year to do it? These are the questions that most people don’t get the right answers to. 

So, if you wanna find out, read on for a complete guide and everything you need to know about aerating your lawn. 

What is Lawn Aeration? 

Lawn aeration is a process whereby small holes are made in the soil, allowing water, air, and nutrients to penetrate the grass more easily. This helps promote healthy root growth and allows the grass to receive all the nourishment it needs. 

It also helps break up compacted layers of soil, which can happen due to foot traffic, excessive rain, or other environmental factors. This improved circulation promotes healthy grass growth and makes it easier for weeds to germinate instead of unwanted plants or pests. 

When is The Best Time To Aerate Your Lawn? 

The best time of year to aerate your lawn depends on what type of grass you have. For cool-season grasses (such as fescue), late summer or early fall is ideal. For warm-season varieties (like Bermuda), springtime is usually best. 

That said, if you live in an area with mild winters, you may be able to get away with doing it in late winter/early spring too. 

How Often Should You Aerate Your Lawn? 

It depends on how often you use your lawn and the age of your grass—generally speaking, once per year should suffice for most homeowners; however, if your soil tends to become compacted quickly due to heavy foot traffic or frequent rainstorms, then twice per year might be necessary. 

Additionally, if your lawn has been neglected or hasn’t been aerated in several years then one deep session may be necessarily followed by lighter sessions every couple years after that. 

Essential Tips For Aerating Your Lawn 

When aerating your lawn yourself, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

  1. Prior to aeration, it’s essential to mow your lawn at least a week beforehand and remove any debris (such as leaves or fallen branches). This will help prevent the plugs from getting stuck in the mower and make the job even harder!
  2. To make sure you get deep penetration, you should use a core aerator that removes the plugs of soil. Other types of aerators may be easier to use, but they don’t penetrate as deeply and may not be as effective.
  3. The holes should be spaced between 2-6 inches apart, depending on the type of grass and soil you have. The deeper holes work better for heavy foot traffic areas, while lighter soils can be aerated more densely.
  4. Once the aerating is done, you should water your lawn within a few hours to help settle down the soil and promote healthy growth.
  5. Finally, once your lawn is aerated, it’s important to take good care of it by fertilizing and watering regularly. This will help maintain the healthy, vibrant lawn you’ve created!

By following these tips, you can ensure that your lawn stays green and lush for years to come. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your lawn’s health and beauty, schedule an appointment today to aerate your lawn or opt to do it yourself. The results will be well worth the effort!​


Aerating your lawn is a great way to keep it looking healthy and lush all year round! While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer as far as timing goes, generally speaking, the best time of year for cool-season grasses is late summer/early fall while warm-season varieties are better off being done in the springtime. 

As far as frequency goes, once per year should suffice unless your yard gets heavy foot traffic or suffers from frequent rainfall—in which case twice per year may be necessary. Finally, don’t forget that if you haven’t aerated in several years then one deep session may be necessarily followed by lighter sessions every couple years afterward! 

We hope that this blog post has given you some useful tips and tricks for aerating your lawn. So why wait? Get started today, and enjoy a beautiful, healthy lawn all season long.​